Box in my mind
There is a box
In the folds of my mind
A keeping place
Of all I know
It has been filled,
My stash of certainty
A pile of control
I spend my days in between those four walls
Crouched. Marveling at my shiny collections.
Days, weeks, years go by
And my horizon is expanded
By lovely other souls
With other boxes
An entirely different collection
Of funky, misshapen truths
My enchantment fades
At these dusty, stale false comforts
Keeping me from others
& others from me
I’ve grown weary of examining the new
Judging for its acceptability
Its place in my box
Recently, I’ve been unpacking
Letting ideas morph and move
To settle anew, in a different room
And I’ve noticed a cob web
In my empty box of certainty
When I go to my mind now
I sit in a room of mystery
With my honest longings and questions
I wrestle, weep, and hope there
Pacing back and forth
Ya know, it feels good to stretch my legs